+61 413 661 213 info@birder.travel

Ethical Tourism

We believe in ethical birding, wildlife watching and photography. We put the welfare of the birds, and wildlife and their natural habitats first.

Our Ethical Birding, Wildlife watching & Photography code:

        • The welfare of the birds and animals must always come first.
        • We do not condone the modification of habitat to get a better view or photograph.
        • We do not condone flushing a bird or animal to get a better view or photograph.
        • We use playback calls responsibly and never continuously or at high volume.
        • When spotlighting we encourage the use red light torches to avoid disturbing the birds and animals. Low beam white light torches are fine for use on the trail but not for shining at wildlife.
        • We stay on roads, paths and trails wherever possible and where not possible we keep habitat disturbance to a minimum.
        • We keep as far back from known roosting and nesting sites as possible.
        • We do not intentionally break the law or ask others to do so to see or photograph a bird or animal.

We want future generations to be able to enjoy the things we show you now.