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Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands avifauna has a really high degree of endemism. With a total checklist of 302 birds, 102 are endemic to the islands. While 37 of these can be found throughout the archipelago the rest are endemic to very small areas, so a lot of island hopping is needed to see them. In addition, many of the islands have very different endemics in the lowland than are found up in the mountains. For example, on Kolombangara, Roviana Rail is in the lowlands while Kolombangara Leaf Warbler is way up the mountain in the moss forest on the lip of the crater. On the small island of Ranonnga there  is a Ranonnga White-eye but just a short boat ride away, Vella Lavella has its own Vella Lavella White-eye and nearby Gizo has yet another one the Gizo White-eye. If White-eyes don’t generate much enthusiasm there is always Black-faced Pitta, Fearful Owl, Sandford’s Sea Eagle, Cardinal Lory, Duchess Lorikeet, Ultramarine Kingfisher or perhaps Crested Cuckoo-Dove.

Solomon Island Tours

Location : Solomon Islands

Guadalcanal and Rennell are both islands in the Solomons archipelago. Honiara, the nation’s capital city is situated on Guadalcanal. This island saw heavy fighting during the second world war. Fierce sea battles left a number of sunken warships in Iron Bottom Sound  which are now a magnet for divers. The battlefields around the town and the old US airbase and its museum have long been the centre of a busy World War 2 tourism industry. However, a  recent growth of interest in Nature tourism has opened up a new market.  The Solomons are just beginning to wake up to its potential.

Location : Solomon Islands

The Black-faced Pitta is a rarely viewed bird best seen on the Solomons island of Santa Isabel. Pittas are regarded amongst the jewels of the avian world. Brightly coloured and secretive they are one of the most sought after bird families on the planet! They are found throughout Africa, Asia and Australasia. This is the only pitta found in the Solomons.

Location : Solomon Islands

Gizo and Kolombangara are two neighbouring islands in the Solomons archipelago. Gizo is already well known as an outstanding destination for divers. It has a busy airport and pre-pandemic,  flying from Brisbane to Gizo, via Honiara, was possible in one day. Kolombangara is a much larger island. It is a dormant volcano and is still largely covered in thick primary rain forest. An agreement between the local landowners has meant that the hill forest on the island has not been open to logging or large scale clearance for agriculture. While Gizo serves as a hub for visiting other islands, Kolombangara is rich ecologically. It has a large and interesting avifauna including 3 endemics.

Location : Solomon Islands

This 10 day tour takes you to an island of forested mountains which support the most single island endemics in the Solomons archipelago. With a total of 13 species, of which two are basically unknown, it is necessary to hike right up into the mountains to see them all. Previously known as San Cristobal, Makira is a must visit destination for the serious birder. However, good birding can be had in the lowland area around Kirakira, especially if combined with a day trip over to nearby Ugi Island.

Location : Solomon Islands

Our Gentle Solomons birding tour is designed an introduction to Solomons birding for that is manageable by people with only an moderate level of fitness. The Solomons archipelago stretches from Bougainville (PNG) in a south-west arc across the Pacific. It consists of several large islands and numerous small ones. Many of these are uninhabited, it is a must see destination for serious birders. It has a high degree of endemism amongst pigeons, monarchs, fantails, myzomelas and white-eyes. It also has a couple of near legendary flightless rails and some of the least known birds on the planet.