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Birdwatching in Fiji is becoming increasingly popular.  It has the richest avifauna in Western Polynesia. Fiji has recorded around 179 species of  bird. A large number are seabirds including the rare Fiji Petrel. 31 species are endemic to the islands. Many of the birds are beautiful, including the bright sunburst orange of the Orange Fruit Dove, the stunning Golden Dove, Many-coloured Fruit DoveWhistling Dove, Fiji Parrot Finch and the rare Pink-billed Parrotfinch, the Maroon Shining ParrotRed Shining ParrotAzure crested FlycatcherFiji Whistler and Pacific Robin. The calls of the Barking Dove (a loud bark), Orange Dove (a click) and Golden Dove (yapping) plus the tremulous Fiji Shrikebill are very memorable and distinctive.

Fiji Tours

Location : Fiji

The Birding Fiji tour focusses on the most accessible and bird rich islands of the Fijian archipelago in order to get as many Fijian endemics as possible. Arriving on Viti Levu this tour also visits Taveuni and Kadavu for the best of Fiji birding. The island of Vanua Levu is offered as an extension  for those who would like to see the Natewa Silktail. Extensions to places like Temotu can be arranged but add a great deal of expense to the tour.

Fiji is a great place to visit. The people are friendly and welcoming. The tourist industry is well developed and for those who would like an add on to the tour there are a wide range of accommodation places ranging from backpacker hostels to high end resorts. In addition there are cultural activities, waterspouts including diving, snorkelling and surfing.