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Mongolia is a paradise for bird and mammal watchers. Lying on the border of several zoogeographic regions it has influences from each of them, with over 520 species of birds. While it has no endemics, over 30 species are globally threatened, and Mongolia is one of the best places to see them e. g. Saker Falcon. Some 140 species of mammal have been recorded in Mongolia of which 28 are regarded as endangered. While most of the mammals are small mammals like gerbils and jerboas, it is possible to see some larger ones including the successfully reintroduced Przewalski’s HorseSnow LeopardArgaliIbexGrey Wolf and Bactrian Camel.

Mongolia Tours

Location : Mongolia

This nomadic lifestyle leaves much of Mongolia still a place of vast wilderness and habitat diversity with treeless plains and high mountains interspaced with rivers, lakes and marshes as well as taiga forest and sandy deserts. With over 520 species of birds, many of them migratory, Mongolia’s vast wilderness makes it a birders dream.